Hair Loss and Chemotherapy

Undergoing chemotherapy is stressful and difficult for many reasons. Although hair loss certainly isn’t at the top of that list of reasons, it can be more stressful than people expect it to be, and it is often one of the side effects that chemotherapy patients feel nervous about.

Chemotherapy doesn’t always cause you to lose your hair – that usually depends on the type and dose of the treatment you need. However, when it does happen, the way you deal with it is important. The support of your friends and family can help a lot and can help you to maintain your body image and keep your confidence high.

Hair loss occurs with chemotherapy because chemo attacks rapidly growing cancer cells. The problem is that cancer cells aren’t the only rapidly-growing cells in your body. Your hair roots also include these cells (remember how you have to shave every day?) and sometimes they get caught in the fall-out.

Fortunately, this problem doesn’t last forever. 3 to 10 months after your treatment has ended, your hair will grow back. It may take a few weeks for your hair to begin growing again, and sometimes it will start out a different color or texture. Eventually, it should get back to normal. Don’t panic if it begins growing back gray and wasn’t before – sometimes the cells that control pigment take longer to recover.

There are a few options that can help to prevent hair loss, although none of them are completely effective. One method if to pack your scalp in ice, slowing the flow of blood to the head and sometimes preventing the hair from getting the full force of the treatment. This can help prevent loss, but can also cause cancer to come back in the scalp because it didn’t get the full force of the treatment.

Using Rogaine won’t prevent it entirely, but it can help the regrowth process to happen more quickly. Research is still going on to discover how well this works.

One of the best things you can do is to plan ahead – buy wigs or scarves now, consider cutting your hair to make the hair loss less noticeable. Be gentle to your hair before, during and after the treatment so that it has the maximum opportunity to grow back healthy and strong.

Finding a Hair School for Inexpensive Cuts

Going to a hair school for a cut is a good option if you can find a reliable one. There are some things to consider before deciding to get your cut at a place like this. You might not want to consider trying this right before an important occasion just in case you do not like the results. With that in mind, there are a few other things to consider. Look at the cost, cleanliness, and the results before you decide to get a cut at a specific place like this.

The cost is of course a consideration because since the people cutting your style have not completed their training then the cut should be fairly inexpensive. If you think it is too much then you should perhaps do some price comparisons.

Cleanliness is also important as you look at a hair school for a cut. You can visit the location before deciding to see if they seem to have a good process of cleaning up their tools and the floor. Hair is not the cleanest thing at times, so you will want to make sure that you do not get someone else’s all over you when you go to get a cut.

The results will probably be your most important consideration as you look at a hair school for a cut. The way to see the results without actually getting a cut yourself is to go to the school and sit in the waiting area for a while. You should see people leave who have gotten cuts, and this should help you to know whether the results are good enough for you to go there yourself.

After considering these areas, you should have a pretty good idea as to whether you will want to go to a particular hair school for a cut. These schools would likely offer other options as well like color, highlights, and waxing. Just be sure to speak with the manager and see the results of the one that will be working with you before doing something too difficult.

Hopefully you will have a good experience if you decide to get a cut, color, or wax at an institution like this. You should be able to find schools near you that you can look into for lower cost services. If you do not have anything to lose, spend less money and look into this great option that helps you and gives the stylist good practice.

What You Don’t Know About African-American Hair

African-American hair needs a lot of time, love and care because of its tendency to become broken and brittle. You should be taking special care of your hair if you relax or texturize it. Without special care, your hair will most likely break off and fall out. That’s the harsh truth! Putting your hair through that much chemical processing on a regular basis doesn’t come without consequence. Here’s a few tips on how to save your hair from an undesirable fate.

You probably guessed that the first thing that I’m going to suggest is to cut back on your use of relaxers. Stretch the time in between processing to 8 to 10 weeks. There are great pomades out there that you can use to flatten out any kinks you my have between relaxing, like Olive Oil Edge Control by Organic Root Stimulator or Hicks Edges by Hicks Total Transformations. The week after relaxing, use a protein reconstructor instead of conditioner.

Wearing a wig is also a great alternative to relaxing all the time. The biggest mistake that most women make with wigs is that they don’t take care of their hair underneath. Ignoring your hair condition doesn’t make your hair grow healthier and stronger. Take care of your hair while you’re wearing the wig. Don’t wear the wig instead of taking care of your hair.

If you weave your hair, try your best to get under the weave to apply a moisturizer to your scalp. When washing, don’t just wash the weave. Get under the weave to your scalp and try your best to scrub it clean. Going a month or more without washing is not only ridiculous, but damaging for your scalp. Give your hair a break between weaves by wearing it natural, braiding it, or wearing a wig. You shouldn’t be going from one weave to the next without giving your hair a good treatment first. Remember, tight braiding on a regular basis causes breakage at the hairline. This is why your hair needs a break every now and then! Give it a break, or deal with the breakage later on.

Staying hydrated will help your hair to stay moisturized. In fact, dry, brittle hair is a sign that you’re not drinking enough water.

Don’t use oils to moisturize your hair because they’re meant to seal your cuticles. Olive and almond oil is best for this purpose because they are lighter than others. Be sure you wash them out after a few days. Use a leave-in conditioner on your hair daily, especially on the ends. Oil moisturizers are great for your hair type as well. Deep treatments should be done once a week because they replenish your hair’s natural oils. Hot oil treatments usually get the best results. Apply to your hair, then put a shower cap on and sit under a blow dryer for 15-20 minutes before rinsing out.

Keeping your scalp moisturized is imperative to having healthier hair. Moisturizing your scalp will help you avoid dandruff and flakes, so use an oil or cream to grease your scalp. Pure Jamaican castor oil is a great option which, when rubbed into the scalp, promotes hair growth.

Be proactive about your hair’s health! It’s yours so you’ve got to take care of it.